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Posts tagged insulin
Estimates of U.S. Brand Drug Commercial Net Prices

Drug pricing is complicated, and as lawmakers and consumers lament the rising costs of medicines, often overlooked in the discourse is the impact of the growing disconnect that exists between the list prices of medicines and the net prices of those drugs after all drugmaker concessions are accounted for. Further complicating matters is the degree with which those concessions are – or more importantly, aren’t – being reflected in the prices paid patients and plan sponsors. In this study, we used the publicly available Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) pricing data to develop a net drug price estimate for brand pharmaceuticals in the U.S. We then analyzed our estimate to known net drug prices and found that our estimate produced similar results to the stated net price by the manufacturer. While other researchers and organizations have developed estimates of net prices based on a “top-down” approach by exploring drug manufacturer financial statements and sales data, our methods may be best described as “bottom-up,” as they are developed for individual products based upon the public FSS data.

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A Global Comparison of Insulin Prices

The affordability and accessibility of insulin is a topic of broad public interest for several factors, not the least of which is the absolute need for insulin in persons with diabetes who might otherwise die without treatment. The relative number of patients with diabetes globally, and the amount of money government programs, commercial plan sponsors, and patients expend on diabetic medicines such as insulin has also generated significant interest in insulin prices. This study examined insulin prices by providing detailed insulin price comparisons across the globe. It presents insulin price variability on a per-insulin-package basis and measures insulin affordability relative to a country’s individual measures of economic wealth – namely, median annual income, average annual income, and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. This research examined insulin prices at retail pharmacies in 20 countries of varying economic status. In so doing, the goal of this research is to provide greater context and transparency into insulin pricing and affordability.

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